7 Month Washington

Happy 7 months Mr. Washington! Well, let's be real. I'm way behind so technically you are a week away from 8 months. 
But for documenting sake we're going to celebrate the seven month milestone before celebrating 8 months in a similarly delayed fashion. :p
And I appreciate your willingness to just go with your mommy's complete lack of being on top of time and how fast the days are flying by. 
You are one laid back little man and rarely demand anything but please know even with all the craziness that is ongoing in this family unit, you are one loved and adored little man even if the monthly blog posts don't go up on time. 
This month was a pretty fun month with you! 
Month seven we took you to the beach, you rode the metro, met our best friends, ate homemade ice-cream, strawberries, veggie straws, macaroni and cheese, and swam in a pool.
You clap, wave, sign 'all done', give high fives, sing, and army crawl like a boss. 
You love your bed, seriously. You will fuss and lunge out of my arms to get into it as fast as you can and lay your head immediately down as if excusing me to leave the room so you can get to sleep. 
And sleep you will! You sleep 12-14 hours at night and take two 2-4 hour naps during the day. I have to wake you from your naps since you just love to sleep.
But more than sleeping you love to eat. You still nurse every four hours during the day, but in between you eat anything you can get your hands on. 
You inhale two baby food pouches at every meal and then chow down on cheerios, puffs, yogurt, grapes, and anything you can con your siblings into giving up. I've caught you with contraband fruit snacks, chicken nuggets, and oatmeal cookies.
You're in size 9-12 months clothing, size three diapers, and love banging toys on the wood floor cackling at your noise making abilities. You love being outside and swinging on the front porch swing.  
You also began teething this past month! You spent our week at the beach a little fussy and running a low grade fever and we thought you were sharing a cold that had been going around. But a few days later your two bottom teeth popped up and they only add to your adorableness. 
Washington, we are completely enamored with you. Your smile and laugh and your "talking" to us make us all melt into puddles. You have six people in this house that bend over backwards to meet your every whim. We are so grateful God made you a part of our family and we are blessed by you! We love you Washington! 


  1. Aww such a cute little cinnamon bun he is! look for any college essay writing company to write more about this cute little angel!! or maybe mommy can manage it herself, yes?


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